So here we are. 39 weeks, 5 days, a giant belly, and no signs of baby-to-be making his grand entrance anytime soon. Let's just say that I. AM. OVER. THIS. So over this that my OB has decided that I qualify for an induction next week. And by qualify, I mean she wasn't going to let me go more than 41 weeks anyway. So at 40 weeks and 4 days, we'll be heading to the hospital for some good old Pitocin and water breaking. That is, if I don't chicken out and cancel the procedure. I really planned to wait it out until he came on his own. That was before I hit the third trimester. Or got pregnant and spent most of a year in pain or at the very least, extremely uncomfortable.
I'm secretly hoping he decides to come on his own before that so I don't have as high of a risk to end up with a cesarean, but we'll see.
So here's the last set of updates before we get to meet our sweet boy!
How Far Along:
Too far. Ha, only 2 days away from D-Day!
Baby's Size:
According to the apps, we're having a small watermelon until we hit 40 weeks on Friday and he's going to turn into a small pumpkin. Who knows how big he actually is, though. Judging by the rate of my ice cream and Girl Scout cookie consumption, he's probably going to be the size of a small butterball turkey...
Lots of false labor contractions, still plenty of kicks and squirms, and lots of swelling. And I am STARVING again for some reason.
Still pretty active in there, which is one of the reasons I doubt he's making any moves towards the other side anytime soon. He definitely loves (or hates?) my evening bath time ritual and prefers The Postal Service over my renditions of Toto's Africa.
Ha. Let's just move on, please.
Finished! One of these days, I'll take some pictures with my real camera and do a full post. I love it, and sometimes just find myself sitting in there wishing for our little guy to be in my arms.
The Name Game:
Still Jude :)
Looking Forward To:
Meeting my little indie rock loving wiggle worm.
Best Thing From This Week:
So this is actually from last week, but it was so dang sweet that I want to share it and preserve it in internet history. On the way home from school last week, Silas and I were talking about how I ended up working in construction and that led to the question "Will Jude work for you like you work for your dad?" My response was something along the lines of, well, maybe. He might want to be a biologist like his dad, or something totally different. And he piped up from the backseat with a very hopeful tone of voice and said "Or maybe an engineer with me?" Good God, just lay me down right there because I about died and pretty much burst into tears driving down the road. It was by far the sweetest thing I've ever heard. I hope he does want to be an engineer with his big brother too, Silas. I really do.
Super off. I don't think I could get them past the first knuckle at this point. It's so incredibly uncomfortable to be this swollen.
Missing Most:
The ability to move around without being in agony. Sleeping without waking up every hour. Oh wait, that's not going to get any better anytime soon. And red wine.
Left to Do:
Have a baby.