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Friday, February 21, 2014

Five on Friday!!!

It's been a long time since my last post, and probably even longer than I linked up with these ladies (April, Christina, Darci, and Natasha) for Five on Friday.  Anyone else feel like this opener is recurrent?  Ha!  Needless to say, I've been super busy lately.

This week's five cover more than a week, but I think it will be okay!  

Número Uno!  I had the first piece of furniture for the family room recovered this week and it was done in two days!  How's that for a quick turn around?  I think it turned out great!

(It's not nearly as "grandma-esque" in person.  I promise!)

Número dos! Is that how two is spelled in Espanol? I took French...  Anyway, this weekend we had a staff retreat in Scottsdale, AZ.  I've been out to Arizona a few times before, but have never had the chance to go to the Grand Canyon.  This time, I made sure I got out there!  Oh my word, it was breathtaking!  

Nombre Trois!  My French is a little rusty, too.  After Scottsdale, I took a day off and flew up to Denver to have a belated Valentine's with the boy.  We had a fantastic dinner at a Greek restaurant, including this wonderful appetizer:

Flaming cheese!!!

Nombre Quatre!  The 14th Annual Concrete Ball is well into planning!  I'm so excited to be the Event Chair for this awesome evening, and it's really coming together!  Check out Day Spring's website for more information on the foundation and event!

And finally, number five!  I finally had a chance to sit down and have dinner last night with my family.  I've been so busy and traveling so much that it's been a few weeks since I've seen them.  For some reason when we go to this particular Mexican restaurant, we end up in ridiculous conversations that are way too loud.  It was an absolute blast!

Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!  I'm actually getting a chance to see my friends and get back in my workout routine!  Can't wait!  Till next time, whenever that may be!


  1. Hello from the link up! Your chair looks fabulous! Beautiful pic of the Grand Canyon! Flaming cheese? Yes, please! ;) Hope you're enjoying a lovely weekend!!
