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Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Getting to know you, getting to know all about you...

Did anyone else's mom sing show tunes or old songs all the time like mine did?  I am constantly singing random old, old, old, oldies out loud without realizing it.  Especially when I'm cleaning.  Talk about learned behavior!  Apparently her father did the same thing, so I am not at all ashamed of this interesting little quirk about myself.  I can always blame my mother...

Any who, the title of today's blog post is a line from one of those old songs she sings randomly, and is my inspiration for today's blog fodder.  I'm going to treat you guys to a little info session on some of my personality quirks and guilty pleasures.  Maybe this will be a reoccurring post topic, or maybe I'll just fail to follow up.  Who knows, I'm spontaneous and unpredictable!  Or something.  Anyway...

1.  I haven't eaten red meat or pork since I was twelve, but I absolutely love the way it smells when it's cooking.  You may say, "Hey, Eileen, maybe you really like those meats now and should give them another shot."  To which I will reply, I have tried over and over again to like the taste of beef or pork on many occasion (one as recent as a month ago), and I have not changed my mind.  Gross.

{The boyfriend would be so proud}

2.  My favorite thing to do on a free Sunday (besides watch football) is to clean the house and organize closets.  My version of cleaning involves putting things away and doing laundry.  Unfortunately, I don't like actually scrubbing floors, vacuuming or dusting; you know, actual cleaning.  Meh.

{A girl can dream}

3.  I am a horrible pack rat.  Just ask my roommate.  He secretly throws stuff away sometimes to see if I'll notice.  I never do.  All I can say, is thank god for unfinished basement storage.

4.  My favorite part of my job is working on spreadsheets.  This is also why I had to get a new pair of glasses yesterday...  I am so super cool that it's not even funny.

5.  I am addicted to fancy soaps for my bathrooms.  And fancy linens for my guest rooms and table tops.  This particular soap below is one I buy by the truck load every time it goes on sale.

6.  I sleep on top of my covers with a throw.  Because I am weird.   That is really the only explanation.  No rhyme or reason to it.  Ehh, whatever.

7.  I never wear makeup unless I absolutely have to.  Not because I have awesome skin or am naturally beautiful, but because I am L-A-Z-Y, lazy.  I do not want to get up early to do my makeup.  I prefer sleep.  And I work at a rock quarry.  The worse I look, sometimes the better off it is.

So that's enough for now.  I don't want to risk you really knowing exactly how bizarre I am.  But that's what makes us interesting and unique, right?  Go out and celebrate your differences today, folks!  Happy Tuesday!

***Shout out to the Internets for these pics, they are not mine.  Click the pictures for a link!***

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