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Thursday, May 22, 2014

Five on Friday!

It's been another busy week, but I feel like I've gotten quite a bit done.  I'm really excited I've finally had time to take care of some home maintenance stuff this week.  So without further ado, I'm linking up with Natasha, Darci, Christina, and April for my five favorite things this week!

1.  Glass block windows being installed in my basement.  Since we moved in last year, the basement has been leaking around the tilt-in windows during every hard rain.  I've been meaning to get the windows replaced since about last September, but things get in the way.  Like Game of Thrones.  Or wine.  
Anyway, I've finally gotten some estimates and cannot wait to get those bad boys installed!  Thank goodness my basement isn't finished.  Yet.

2.  Wallpaper in the master bath!!!  I have had the wallpaper for my master bathroom sitting in my office since December and haven't even thought about hanging until about a week ago.  I'm finally getting it put up soon and the master bath will be complete!  Here's the wallpaper:

{Crappy internet photo...ugh.  Super cute in person.}

3.  Memorial Day Weekend!!!  I don't have a lot of plans until Sunday when one of my best girls and her fiancee come to visit.  We'll be boating and imbibing fun cocktails on the water for those two days!
Might have to make one of these to drink, too!

{Strawberry Lime Spritzer via Peas and Crayons blog}

4.  Boat/Patriotic/Navy Clothes!  It has been brought to my attention that I dress like I'm always getting ready to go yachting.  I don't disagree.  It comes in handy for weekends like this one, though.  I'm thinking I need some of these.  Especially the earrings.

And I definitely need those Kate Spade shoes.  Like a hole in the head.  Ha.

5.  This is an oldie, but a goody.  It still breaks me out into a fit of uncontrollable giggles.

I'm laughing out loud at my desk right now.  People are staring.  Anyway...

Hope everyone has an awesome holiday weekend and takes a moment to remember and honor those that this holiday celebrates!  Thank you to our fallen soldiers and their families, for all you have given up.

And also, go 'merica!!!


  1. That drink looks great; would be perfect for this weekend! Have a great Friday!

  2. HA! That ecard is too funny!! I just had to pin that drink - I've been on a strawberry kick lately and it looks so delicious! Hope you have a wonderful weekend! :)

  3. Found your blog via 5 on Friday! That drink looks delicious! Hope you had a great holiday weekend!
