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Friday, May 30, 2014

Five on Friday!

It's Friday! It's Friday!  It's Friday!  For some reason this day could not get here soon enough.  I just have been looking forward to this weekend more so than usual.  Nothing exciting planned, just glad to be home for a couple days.

Without further ado, I'm joining Natasha, Christina, April, and Darci for another week of my favorite five things!

1.  Replacing my bedroom furniture!  My aunt turned me on to this lacquer spray paint to turn old furniture into new looking furniture.  I can't wait to try it on this piece!  I think this one will be navy.  We'll see!

2. No plans this weekend except celebrating the birth of my favorite guy!

3.  I'm one week away from my best friend's baby shower, and I can't wait to show you guys how it turns out!  And of course to celebrate her and the infamous Button!

4.  I found a playlist on Spotify last night that includes all my old Motown favorites.  I am a sucker for some Four Tops and Marvin Gaye.  I rocked that playlist the entire commute home and the entire commute to work this morning!

5.  This book.  I read this book in it's entirety on Wednesday day night and have been exhausted ever since.  But it was a great read!  So entertaining with a great ending.  I just couldn't put it down!

Hope everyone, myself included, has a great and restful weekend!  See ya on Monday!


  1. Hi Eileen, I'm a fellow Kentucky blogger and just wanted to stop by and show you some love. I'm a girl who loves spray paint and hope your furniture turns out well. Happy Weekend!
