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Friday, August 1, 2014

Hey Friday, numero dos!

Howdy, y'all.  It's finally Friday and here's what I'm into this week.  It's a bit of a random list, but I'm a random kind of gal.

1.  Memes.  Gawd, I love me some silly memes.  These are my favorites from the past week or so.

I very rarely wear socks this time of year, but bet your bottom dollar that I'll laugh about this during the winter months when I have seven billion unmatched socks.

I have a problem with cheese.  As shown by very large upper arms.  Plus, the dog in this picture looks a heck of a lot like my fox puppy.

I don't think this needs any explanation.  Champagne is my fave!

2. My herbs are still alive, despite the ridiculous summer heat. The basil is out of control.  Who has a great pesto recipe they want to send me?

3.  Masters of Sex is back in full swing.  I stumbled upon this Showtime series at the very beginning of the first season, and man, is it interesting, racy, dramatic, and addictive!

4.  My favorite BB cream finally came out with a shade that matches absolutely perfectly.  I've been mixing multiple shades forever to match my skin tone.  Let's just say that this is a big deal.

5. Fun weekend plans!  I've got a lot going on this weekend that I can't wait to get started.  I just need this busy work day to go ahead and hurry up!

Happy Friday, y'all!

Check out The Farmer's Wife and September Farm for more! Thanks, ladies for the invite!


  1. I love the HP reference for the lost socks! Very cute. And that Corgi!!! I want one so stinking bad! My herbs are out of control too. I've pinned some pesto recipes, but not made any. Maybe this weekend? Have a great day!

  2. Stopping by from the link-up! I am so jealous of your herbs. I had every intention of doing an herb garden this year but alas, I did not. Next year? :)

    1. I've loved having them, and they work great as mosquito repellent!

  3. That cheese pic with the dog is so cute and so our Beagle! I need that doorbell frame/saying in my life right now!! Stopping by from the linkup!
