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Wednesday, August 6, 2014


The past two weeks have been a bit chaotic and pretty exciting in terms of major changes in my life. The biggest news is that my roommate Robbie has moved out after to close to eight years of living together. He took a job back in Lexington, and as of last Thursday, I am flying solo in mi casa.

I was extremely nervous and worried that I would not enjoy living alone, but it's been almost a week, and so far I am loving it!  It's kind of crazy that at thirty-three years of age, I've never really lived alone.Sure there were a few months here and there when I was sans roomie, but never a permanent length longer than 8 months. And I've definitely never been single during those times.

Needless to say, I'm curious as to how it's going to be when something major breaks and I have no idea how to fix it.  I can unclog a drain, but other than minor repairs, I'm ill equipped.  Anyone have a good handy man in the area???

Once the initial shock that Robbie and I were no longer going to be common law married (ha ha, just kidding, that's not a thing anymore), I started thinking about what to do with his empty bedroom. My immediate reaction was to use it as the room was intended, as a bedroom.  I'm so creative. Snort.

Then I realized that I already have two guest rooms and one of those rarely gets used. Why the hell did I need a third??? Plus, the duvet and sheet sets I would want to use are close to the cost of a mortgage payment on a decent house. Stupid Italian linens, why you so expensive (insert that meme guy thingy here)??? 

{It's sooo pretty!!!!!}

I also realized that I would have to another bed and frame. Have I mentioned that I still am working on getting my master bedroom redecorated? Nothing like starting a new project before finishing a previous one. Can we say ADD, kids?

Anyway, already too long of a story short, I'm turning his room into a giant closet.


I cannot wait to have all my hanging clothes, shoes, and accessories in one room!!!!  They are currently spread throughout four different closets and the basement.  Hey, I have an old house with small closets.   

And yes, I shop too much. Quit judging me. Just kidding, judge away.  And if you aren't, you probably will when I do a reveal one day.  It's cool.  The first step is admitting you have a problem.

Alright, back on track, crazy shoe lady...  So here's step one, two, and three of the process.

1.  Paint swatches. I wanted periwinkle, something kind of relaxing and very girly.  Two of those were ruled out very quickly.  I ended up settling on the first one in the middle row.

2. Paint! By myself!!! With little to no experience! Here's the first coat. Let's just say the second coat and trim work are going to be the death of me.  I'm almost done, but I am a terrible painter.  And a terrible klutz.  The combo has not been good for the total number of touch up spots to the trim work...

3.  Start adding the organizational systems! All by myself!  Eight shoe shelf units put together by yours truly and only one splinter. And very minimal cursing. But let's be honest, it's not rocket science.  I'm still proud of me, though. Yay!

This is before I put the last two sets together.  Yes, I realize it is ridiculous to need that many if these.  Hush your mouth.  (Hey, look at my new pair of sandals in the one spot that's filled! Ohmahgawd, shoes!!!!!)

I've ordered the hanging rod pieces and am anxiously awaiting someone to volunteer to install them.  Ha ha, you so cray, crazy shoe lady!

Anyway, the project has been put on hold temporarily as I will be working at one of our concrete plants the rest of the week (read: I will be getting up at ungodly hours to go to work). I'll post updates soon!  Yay, giant master closet room!!!!


  1. If you ask me, I don't think there could be any better use of this space!! Love how it is coming together already :) :) Looking forward to the complete reveal!

    1. Thanks! Hopefully it will be done soon! I'm dying to get in there and use it!!!! Have a great weekend!
