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Friday, February 20, 2015

The Sky is Falling, The Sky is Falling

Not so much the sky, but my family room ceiling. No weather related storm goes without some type of damage to property. This time, my house (and some of my friend's houses) fell victim to the treachery that are ice dams. 

Yes, my friends, I came home on Wednesday to a big ol' bubble of water in the middle of my family room ceiling. Lucky for me, my stepdad is super handy and rushed over to help me out.

Turms out that there was standing water under three or four inches of ice in the gables of my house that caused the leak. And although home repairs such as this are super annoying and down right inconvenient, I am lucky to have a roof over my head and insurance to repair it.

Check out this sexy water damage action...

{Do not check out the dust on the ceiling fan blade. Gross!}

The adjuster is coming today and I am heading to the warmer temps of Hawaii soon.  Things could be so much worse. Just one of those irritating life situations that comes with homeownership. C'est la vie!

Have a great weekend y'all!


  1. I guess instances like this are really a part of owning a house. There'll be times when unexpected repairs are needed. It's a good thing that you have an insurance to cover the repair for water damage. So, how is your ceiling now? I hope that it was fixed and that this will not happen again. Have a nice day, Eileen!

    Nathan Riley @ Steemer Atlanta

  2. I had a similar thing happen in my house last year (dusty ceiling fan included!). It can be such a pain to deal with, but I know at the end of the day I too am grateful for the roof over my head. It's so important to keep on top of the little things so they don't become larger issues.

    Rolando Glover @ Eco Pure Restoration
