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Thursday, February 19, 2015

What We Did During Snowmaggedon

I don't know how many of you keep up with the weather through out the entire country, but in case you didn't know, Kentucky got bombarded by snow and below freezing temps this past week.

I realize that in other parts of the country (i.e.. Boston), there is a heck of a lot more snow and much more devastating effects, but I don't live there. I live in the South. And this s#*& is unheard of. 

We had approximately a foot of snow dump on us Monday and another four inches or so on Tuesday morning. To put it in perspective, the last time we had an amount that large in such a short amount of time was 1994. It was awful. To top it off, the temperature has been hovering around 0 degrees and the windchill has been as low as negative 18. 

Did I mention that I live in the South? Although some people argue over whether KY is truly Southern. I kindly ask those people to come to Kentucky during a snowfall of over a quarter of an inch, and that right there will prove it. We freak out over weather. And this snow storm proved that we are not ones for snow and cold temps.

Needless to say, we have been off work the majority of this week and I am going downright stir crazy. To combat that cabin fever feeling, I entrusted Pinterest to find some fun crafts to do.

I think we all know where this is heading...PINTEREST FAIL POST TIME!!!

The first thing I tried was the pin about recycling your old candle jars into usable vases, etc. I used the instructions on this pin. I'de been planning on doing this for quite sometime, and thought, surely this can't be that bad. Famous last words.

It worked just as the instructions said it would, and just like the original author, I got a bit of wax down my sink. What it doesn't say, however, is what a giant waste of time this was. I did at least 3 rounds of boiling water trying to get all of the wax removed. Plus scrubbing and Goo-Gone-ing the outsides. 

It would be so much easier to go out and spend the dollar or two they cost at the Dollar Store. Oh yeah, I also broke one in the process. Because you can't do a DIY project with Eileen without something breaking or someone getting hurt!

To all you crafty and coordinated people out there, mad props to ya. I just do not have those skills.

Moving on...another project that I've tried before was using Sharpie Oil Paint Pens to decorate coffee mugs. The last time I tried, it failed miserably. I thought maybe if I didn't use stickers this time to try and make initials, it might go better. Nope, it did not. 

{These will be great for being put directly in the yard sale pile!}

You know why??? Because I'm not crafty! And my penmanship is less than perfect. These mugs look like a kindergartner made them.  And as per my usual, I forgot they were in the oven and left them in too long so the paint faded.

I think I need to stick to decorating with store bought goods. It really does create less headaches and self esteem issues! 

Next snow storm, I'm sticking to movies and baking cookies. Both of which we did as well.

Next time on Sass in the Bluegrass, how Winter Storm 2015 ruined my ceiling. Stay tuned and stay warm, friends!

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