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Thursday, April 23, 2015

Can't Live Without It: First Link Up Post!

I've followed this blog here for a bit (Hi, Laura, thanks for letting me blog stalk you! Your baby is adorable!) and she and these ladies here and here started their own link up!

Check out their pages for the details, but the gist is, what's your favorite thing this week that you cannot live without? Pretty simple, right?!? I've got a few of those I can write about, or a million. But whatevs. 

So here's my first post in this link up! This week (and most weeks, tbh) I cannot live without my dry shampoo. I have longish, super thick, straight hair that is prone to oiliness. I've been told that I shouldn't wash it every day, and that is fine by me since I am super lazy when it comes to my appearance. Somewhere my fancy grandmother is rolling over in her grave.

So anyway, I wash my hair every other day during the work week and every day on the weekends. In between I absolutely have to use dry shampoo on my bangs. They just get gross if I don't.

I absolutely love the one below and found here, but it is stupid expensive for a can of dry shampoo that doesn't last more than a couple of months. Or I'm cheap, One of the two. Maybe both.

I've tried a few other brands, but keep going back to this one. It simply works the best. Any recommendations are welcome, however!

So that's what I'm loving this busy week as I don't have a lot of time to deal with my hair. I'm in the last few weeks of planning a 300 person charity gala, and things are getting a bit hectic! Not to mention my dad's birthday tonight, a summer outdoor concert yesterday, and a barn show at a horse farm tomorrow!

Hope everyone has a great week!


  1. Yes! Dry shampoo is a must in my life. I use the herbal essences one and it does the trick. And isn't very expensive! Happy birthday to your dad!

  2. Ah I'm so jealous you can use dry shampoo! I've heard so many good things but it just does not work with my curly hair :( Thanks for linking up!!
