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Monday, April 4, 2016


We kicked some major ass this weekend in terms of getting things ready to combine our two houses. The official moving day is less than two weeks away, and we would like to list Drew's house as soon as possible, so we have quite the laundry list of repairs and things to do before then.
I thought instead of boring everyone with the minutiae of what we got done, I'd give you a little list!
  1. 3, the number of times I cut myself. I will never claim to be anything other than a giant klutz.
  2. 17, the number of boxes so far that will be donated, yard saled, or tossed
  3. 60, the approximate number of feet of fence that we removed
  4. 2, yards mowed
  5. 2 cases of poison ivy. It's on my damn face, y'all. I can't make this stuff up. 
  6. 4, bathrooms cleaned
  7. 7, boxes of camping gear. We seriously need to downsize some of this...
  8. About 8,000, number of ants I killed in our new kitchen. What is with these tiny little jerks? Get outta my kitchen!!!
  9. 17, planters planted and then covered because we had a frost Saturday night. Seriously, Kentucky weather, either be spring or don't. But make up your dang mind!
  10. 2, times I vacuumed our new family room in order to get up the mess of leaves that blows in our patio door.
  11. 50, the miles per hour of the wind on Saturday. I thought both the houses were going to blow away! Since when did we move to Kansas?
  12. 3, the number of times we ate tacos. This is actually pretty normal for me. Love me some tacos, y'all.
  13. 45, number of minutes our silly pup Maggie, sat in the car (doors open, of course) waiting to go one a car ride. She looooves some car rides.
  14. 0, number of babies born to my preggo friend Courts. Come on, Baby Jack! We can't wait to  meet you!!! Hang in there, mom to be! He'll be here sooner than we know it!
  15. About a million, times I exclaimed that we have too much stuff.
So that's it folks, hope your weekend was just as productive as ours! And if it wasn't, I hope that you got to relax. We sure didn't. I'm leaving you guys with a totally unrelated pic of us in New Orleans a few months ago during Mardi Gras. We were much more relaxed back then, ha!

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