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Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Wedding Photos, Finally!

Be prepared for an intense photo dump, y'all. Don't say you weren't warned!
{First look photos!}

{I made my birdcage veil and headband from two different pieces that I purchased. The brooch below was my Dad's mothers and one of my something borrowed!}

{The ladies}

{Five wild and crazy guys}

{The picture of all of us below if by far one of my favorites only because Drew and I look like the creepy farmer couple from American Gothic. The painting, not some weird sci-fi show or anything.}

{First family photo!!!}

{The neighboring horses decided to show up and join the festivities!}

{Toast time!}

{And just for funsies, one of my MOH's Kate and Drew's youngest brother Mack}

{All photos courtesy of @lovehunters. I highly recommend!!!}

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Fourth of July for the Weary

In true form a la Eileen and Drew, we have been packing as much fun and excitement into this summer as possible. Not 4 days after our honeymoon, we headed to a bluegrass festival in Western KY called Romp with the mini for three days. Needless to say, we are exhausted.

So, when the three day weekend was approaching, Drew and I put a furlough on activities to get caught up on housework, errands, and sleep. We managed to get a lot done, and still have a little bit of fun as well!

Friday night we headed to Lexington to have a short visit with friends, meet some babies, and try a new restaurant before spending the weekend doing chores. It was much needed, and I'm so glad we did, because the rest of the weekend was rainy and gross.

Saturday I spent seven, yes S-E-V-E-N, hours cleaning the house (and I'm still not completely finished.) Drew spent FOUR hours building our new basketball goal and a new lawn mower with his dad. Then he helped me clean the remainder of the day. So, yeah, on Saturday night and most of Sunday, we were kinda burned out on cleaning. Don't eat off my floors right now, but at least the bathrooms are clean.

Sunday was spent relaxing a little more, meal planning, grocery shopping, and lying around. I took a nap in the middle of the day, which is so NOT my style. Drew's brother and his fluffy pup Willie came by and shot some hoops on the new goal. We ordered pizza and were generally just bums for the remainder of the day. It was downright lovely.

For the actual day of America's birth, the most patriotic thing we did was make flag pancakes. All the fireworks in Frankfort were cancelled due to rain, so we were glad that we caught a few from our back patio on Sunday.

It was a fairly restful weekend, and I'm glad we stayed put for the most part. But I will admit, looking at all the cute blog posts with adorable family photos in red, white, and blue makes me a tad jealous (in the best way possible!)

Until next time, happy short work week y'all!