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Wednesday, September 28, 2016

It's...not a secret anymore.

Although, I'm only a mere 15 weeks along, Drew and I are fortunate enough to already know that we are having a bouncing baby boy! By the way, why does nobody say a bouncing baby girl? Can baby girls not be a springy as baby boys? 

Anyway, we opted to do the 12-19ish week genetic blood testing that analyzes for the risk of the three different trisomy syndromes. With a brother having Downs and my "advanced maternal age" of 35, I needed to be able to plan accordingly if that was the road fate sent us on. 

Can I just rant a little on the whole advanced maternity age designation thing??? I barely feel old enough to call myself an adult,  so can medical science quit making me feel like some old maid that barely made the cut for mommy hood? Alright end hormonal pregnancy rant number 8,624.

I also swore up and down we were having a girl, probably because I reallllllly wanted a daughter since we already have Silas as a son. I needed a girl to balance out all the testosterone in the house. Or so I thought. Apparently fate has a funny way of showing who's boss, because on Monday of my 13th week of pregnancy we found out we were having a perfectly healthy baby boy!

The test results for the Counsyl test actually come via email, and you have the option to find out the sex. Once that our email showed we were in the clear for risk of Downs, I simply had no opinion on whether or not it was a girl. I still wanted to know, it just seemed so trivial.

Turns out, pregnant women are smug and do only want a healthy baby. I jokingly commented for 5 weeks that if it wasn't a girl, I was sending it back. I wasn't going to be one of those smug pregnant women that Garfunkel and Oates sang about!. But once we clicked that gender button, I was so elated our baby was healthy that it didn't matter.

When Drew pulled me into a huge bear hug and asked if I was okay that it was a boy, I have never been so happy to admit that a little boy sounded just fine to me. It was by far the best moment of my pregnancy to date. It was such a special moment, coupled with the release of tension I'd been feeling since I had the blood drawn,

Don't get me wrong, there's still a small pang of sadness when I think about having a little girl, But at the end of the day, I know I can be a good boy mom. We only plan on having one child together, so two sons in this family it is! A teenage daughter might be more than I could handle anyway!

Until next time, enjoy this fun little ditty:

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