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Thursday, October 13, 2016

Week 17 Bumpdate

I'm going to be brutally honest when I tell you all this, I'm not really enjoying being pregnant. It's uncomfortable, I have no control over my emotions, and I'm tired of feeling like the Goodyear blimp. Not to mention tired. And while I'm over most of that awful first trimester nonsense, I'm still not feeling that wonderful glow of the second trimester yet,
I'm holding out hope that it's just around the corner and tomorrow I'll wake up a new woman. Or at the very least without round ligament pain and a migraine.
So without further complaining, here are the week 17 stats.
How Far Along:
17 weeks and 6 days
Baby's size:
Turnip (5 inches, 5 ounces)
Does cranky as heck count as a symptom? But mostly just back and hip soreness, tender belly, fatigue, constant headaches, and constipation (sorry, this blog is not for the faint at heart.) Lots of random little cramps and muscle spasms from a growing uterus. Fun stuff.
I don't know...I keep having these weird twitches and flutter feelings in my abdomen that I'm not sure if it's gas, muscle spasms, or the baby moving. According to my doctor, I'll know when it's the real thing. So I guess no?
Ha. If I'm not waking up at least once or twice to pee, it's to shift positions to alleviate some hip pain. Or because a certain 6 year old thinks it's necessary to visit us every night at 11:30 and sometimes 2:30. I'm also not used to sleeping on my sides, so the Snoogle has kind of helped with that. Mostly, I just fight with my dog over it in the middle of the night. It kind of gives me a neck cramp anyway. Anyone have any luck with the wedges?
Same as the last couple of weeks. I'm waiting until our first shower to really do anything else. Does anyone have any experience buying a crib skirt for a Babyletto crib? Ours has a 12" drop and I'm having a hard time finding a reasonable priced 100% cotton skirt that isn't going to be 6" too long.
The Name Game:
Still no definite middle name, but Jude is here to stay. Silas told his mom that the baby's name is going to be Ty. So funny how kids come up with these things on their own. 
Looking Forward To:
Is it too early to say not being pregnant? Yeah, okay.  Umm, how about booking our flights and AirBnB to San Francisco in December?!?! We decided we really did want to book a babymoon and go visit Drew's brother and girlfriend in California while we still could. I don't think we're going to be booking too many cross country trips after March, so December it is!
Something Great From Week 17:
So these posts aren't a total bummer or complaint filled, I'm adding this category. 
We had some maternity photos taken this past Sunday by our wedding photographer, Susan Stewart-Jordan. It's a little early, bump wise, to be taking pics, but I wanted some fall pictures with my belly. Plus a maternity photo shoot in January just sounds cold. And let's be honest, I may not feel all that pretty (read: I'm afraid I'm going to blow up like a balloon) by then. So we did them now. And I can't wait to see them! 
Susan does fantastic work, and is so sweet and fun to work with. Drew and I both were sooo incredibly pleased with our wedding and engagement photos, that I don't know if we will ever let anyone take family pictures of us from now on.
Another great part of the photo shoot was that I decided to splurge and book an appointment at Dry Bar. I am not great at fixing my own hair, so I wanted it to look nice and hold up for our photos. I think it turned out great!
Very much still on, and still pretty loose. I could probably have gotten them sized down one more size before the wedding, but decided to leave them as they are. I'm sure this will come in handy around months 7-9 when I'm retaining water and swollen. I think I'll appreciate being able to look down at my hand and see my wedding band and engagement ring, especially when I need a reminder of the love that made this baby.
Missing Most:
Let's say sushi and brie. Because saying booze and cigarettes is so gauche.
Left to Do:
Alllll the things! Except buy a crib and paint the nursery. That's done.
{ Drew's iPhone version of the professional shot :) }

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