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Friday, March 7, 2014

House update, post 74,649 or whatever

Here's what's been happening elsewhere in the house.  Mostly just some picture gallery hanging.  Have y'all ever tried the Command Strip picture strips?  They might be the most brilliant invention of our lifetime.  I'm not even joking.  They are a real game changer.

My wonderful Aunt Beth gave me my wood monogram as one of many housewarming gifts when I moved to Louisville last year.  We finally got around to hanging the frames around it a couple weeks ago, and it turned out pretty great!  Most of the photos have been featured on the blog, but there are a few from my trip to Europe and of my family.

Other side of the living room.  Unfortunately, this room doesn't have an overhead light and gets super dark at night.  Good thing I hung black drapes, right???

The hallway downstairs is fairly long, somewhat dark, and a bit boring.  This photo gallery helped spruce it up a bit.  One day I will do a post on what a pain in the ass spray painting all these frames was.  Pinterest fail.

And finally the office.  The only room that is pretty much completely finished, furniture and floor wise. I need curtains, but since those lovely plastic shades were here when I moved in, I'm leaving them for a bit.  I'm banned from buying fabric for a few months.

Please ignore the giant mess of bags and whatnot around the desk.  This is one of the few rooms I let stay messy for more than a day or so.  I realize that doesn't sound like much, but I think many people underestimate the level of crazy I am.

All the furniture in this room, with the exception of the painted bookshelf on the other wall (not pictured), are from IKEA.  Let me tell you, that shelf is a filthy wh***e.  It had to be built once at the old house, moved to Louisville, taken apart, and put back together again inside the office.  Not fun for any of the people that move/build shit for me.  Sorry, guys!

I need to find a bigger picture for above the desk, where the hanging shelf is supposed to go.  Scroll back up to the first picture of the office.  See the short shelf on the floor?  Yeah, that's supposed to be hanging on the wall above the desk, holding my important business stuff.  Apparently the IKEA hanging apparatuses are not sufficient in holding the weight of the shelf without actually breaking the shelf.

I'm sure we could have bought some that would have worked, but we were both over hanging stuff that day.  So a small under the window shelf it became.  And there it will stay.  Because I'm tired of decorating.  Seriously.  

I should probably reupholster the desk chair one day, too.  Especially since it is also from the same year as the chair I'm reupholstering for the guest room.  That year was 1985, in case anyone was wondering.    This particular fabric is smidge more dated than the other chair, however.

Anyway, so that's about the best I'm going to have for awhile in terms of home progress.  It's getting there, slowly.  Hopefully it will be done by this spring for my BFF's baby shower!!!  I gotta find a place for people to sit!

Until next time, peace out, girl scout!

***Update:  Two of the larger framed pictures hung using command strips fell off the wall not a week after this post.  Maybe I'll only use the strips on smaller frames.  Oops.***

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