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Thursday, March 13, 2014

Five on Friday

It's been a long week, and doesn't show any signs of slowing down within the next couple of months.  So this week's five are themed around what's been keeping me going during a stressful time.  I highly recommend the tacos...

1.  Tacos.  Seriously, I know joke about how often I eat tacos, but it's an absurd amount.  Wanna know why?  They're delicious and easy.  It's a great go to for a quick meal.  Hence my diet consisting of taco dinners at least 3 days a week.  And that's on a slow week.  Also, these fresh from the tortilla press in the back of the taqueria corn tortillas didn't hurt, either.  Yummmmm!!!!

2. A small purchase that is going to make my life so much more enjoyable.  Have ya'll heard of Keysocks?  I'm hoping they revolutionize wearing flats.  I have really wide feet and a lot of my really cute flats are ridiculously uncomfortable.  I have the footie versions of socks similar to these, and they are constantly rolling down.  Pain in the rump.

3.  Skin saving salve.  I have been rough on my skin the past few weeks, and this stuff is a life saver.  It can calm my super flared up sensitive skin.

4.   I don't always wash my hair every day.  Hey, don't get judgey, I do shower every day.  It just takes way too long to fix my super thick hair now that it's long.  This dry shampoo is great to get through the no wash days, and smells pretty great too!

5.  A small little pick me up.   I picked this up while running some errands for the event I'm working on this week.  It was very reasonably priced, and came from a boutique that an old friend from high school owns!  Check out her shop on Facebook here!

That's whats been getting me through this week!  What's going on in your world?

Thanks to Christina, April, Natasha, and Darci for hosting another week of linky goodness!

FYI, no one paid me to say anything about the products I mentioned above.  I seriously doubt I need actually put these disclaimers on my blog, but I see all the other cool bloggers doing it.  So Imma do it too, just in case.  Heeheehee... 


  1. Hi! Found you via the link up.... Your tacos look sooo yummy!! And I need to try those fancy socks =) Happy Friday!

    1. Thanks, they were pretty yummy! And let me go ahead and tell you to buy stock in those socks! I have been wearing the heck out of them and loving my flats again!!!! I highly recommend! Thanks for stopping by!

  2. Those tacos look amaaaazing!!!! I'm also loving that necklace, have a great weekend!!

    1. Thank you! I got tons of compliments on it! Thanks for checking out the blog!
