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Thursday, September 11, 2014

5 Days of Thankful

Y'all, I'm not gonna lie.  I am seriously sick of all these tagged Facebook post to dump water on your head or whatever. There's a new one going around that requests naming five things that you are thankful for over five days. I'm doing all mine in one. And I'm not tagging anyone.

Although I do appreciate the post from my aunt, and am happy to oblige, y'all have got to quit with the challenges. Seriously. Have you met me? Just call me and ask me to donate $10 to your cause. I'd be happy to.  Just don't make me dump any more water on my head.

So without further ado, here are five things that I'm thankful for…

1. My family and especially my little brother.  I don't think there's a person that has met me that doesn't know how much I love my family.  Everything path I've taken in life has been for the betterment of my family. Everything.  Even when I was lost.  That's all I'm going to go into about that.

2. My friends. One of them sent me this the other day, and it couldn't be more true.

Almost every single one of my friends I met during my freshman or junior year of high school.  I've made quite a few more after that, but all of those I have definitely known for at least 7 years. So ladies (and a few gents), looks like you guys are stuck with me for life.  I couldn't have gotten through those lost paths mentioned above without you.  

3.  My job, which ties in with #1.  I have been blessed to have the opportunity to continue my grandfather and father's hard work and efforts by working for our family's business. There are lots of days when I want to pull my hair out.  There were times when I thought I had chosen the wrong career. Now in my adulthood (wait, adult, when did that happen???), I know that I'm exactly where I am supposed to be. And I couldn't be happier. I'm so grateful for the ability to get up every day, put on clean clothes, and go to a job with coworkers and employees that I care very deeply for. Not everyone on this planet can say that. It's something that I try to remind myself of on my more trying days.

4.  My rotten, smelly, furry blonde dog.  I love that crazy fox puppy with all of my heart. There really is something about having a dog that makes life so much better. Even when he's acting like a complete nut job, I still love him.

5. Lastly, I am thankful for all the things I've been given in my life sheerly by being born in the right place at the right time. I live in a free country where I can practice what ever ideology I care to ascribe to. Where education, food, shelter and basic human needs are readily available, but often taken for granted.  There are so many people in this world that these needs aren't even accessible. I think that's the whole point for the Facebook tagging posts asking for what you're grateful for. To make us think about all the things we take for granted and appreciate how truly luck we are.

On this day, a day where our country was attacked and too many people lost their lives, I think this is what we need to remember the most. Most of us live a much better life than others.  If you are reading this post, you already have more than the majority of the world. 

That despite what we beliefs we have about the ever growing list of topics for debate, we are inherently blessed simply by where we were born. Nothing is perfect, and it probably never will be. But we have the tools at our disposal to make our lives and the lives of others that aren't as fortunate much better. And that I think is what I'm most thankful for.  For the ability to make changes for the better. To make an impact where I can. Even if it's in small cases.

I'm stepping off my soap box now.  Sometimes I need to write these posts to keep my self in check on what is really important. Eye on the prize, m'dear, eye on the prize.

Happy Thursday, y'all.

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