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Monday, January 19, 2015

I Believe: A Link Up!

Linking up with Amanda and Megan for a MLK Jr. post today!

I the golden rule. It's not that hard to live by. Quit being assholes, people.

I believe...that a sunny day spent outside can fix almost any bad mood or day.

I believe...that people the don't have pets are weird. Unless they have allergies, that's not their fault.

I believe...that men should have PMS and cramps just once in their lifetime.  Just so they know.

I believe...that math is way more fun than people give it credit for.

I believe...that sometimes you just need a little retail therapy. Even if it's just window shopping.

I believe...that Pinterest is going to be the demise of my bank account one day! :)

I believe...there are more important things in life than 90% of the things we worry about.  

I believe...that a good convo with your BFF over coffee or wine could solve all the world's problems.

I the good in all people.  You just have to look for it.  Sometimes really hard.


  1. Seriously, when I'm sad I just need to go outside and get some sun! It's the cure for everything. I'm so glad winter is (maybe?) on the downward swing finally!

    1. I hope so! It's been in the 50's here this past week and I hope it only continues to get warmer!!!

  2. Men tooootally should have PMS and cramps at least once! Complete with crying and unexplained mood swings. Sunshine is also the best thing ever, as is the golden rule :)

    1. I feel like it would make them much more understanding! :)

  3. Ha! I love this! "Quit being assholes, people." You make it sound so simple. :) When is the world going to get on board?! I also especially loved this one: "there are more important things in life than 90% of the things we worry about." Amen! Thanks for linking up!

  4. "I the golden rule. It's not that hard to live by. Quit being assholes, people." - Perfect.
