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Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Never Have I Ever...

Remember that goofy drinking game you played in college where you had to drink every time you had done one of the crazy topics mentioned? Well, I have some hazy memories of it too, and happened to stumble upon a link up with this as the topic!  Seems like fun, I'll play along (without the booze and a with a PG rating, this time)!

Never have I ever....

broken a bone. Although, I regularly flung myself off of my monkey bars in hopes of a cool cast. I was a weird kid...

traveled to the far east. This will not stay this way forever.  I'm dying to travel that-a-way, I'm going to need to pad my savings account a bit more before doing so, though.

seen the karate kid. I wasn't allowed to see it when I was younger, and haven't gotten around to it since then. I'm not really that concerned.

lived more than an hour from my hometown. I guess that happens when you stay in state for college and work for your family business your whole life.

been employed by more than one company for over two weeks.  See above. I've worked for my family's business since I was 15.  Although I had about a ten day stint at Kmart that I don't count, this has been my only employer my entire life.  This June marks my 18th year!  That's a whole adult person. And makes me a middle age person, I suppose. Shoo-whee!

been able to make one of those paper football thingies. This is a bigger point of contention than one would think. I really like all things football, including pretend kicking games with notebook paper and finger uprights. Ha ha!

successfully snapped with my right hand. I have no idea why.  I can snap with my left hand, but not my right.  So weird.

gotten a second piercing or tattoo. I have one hole in each ear and nothing else.  I hate needles. 

Here's the link up info:


  1. I had no tattoos and no broken bones on my list too :) Oh, I vaguely remember a game like that.

  2. no broken bones for me either!!

    these are good ones :)

    i love your blog!

  3. Oh my goodness I can't snap at all! Like, at all. I don't know how people can snap really loudly, because mine don't make any sound. I've never broken a bone either!

    1. Ha ha, I think it's genetic or something. Maybe like being able to roll your tongue. Or at least I'm going to claim it's genetic so I don't feel so bad! :)

  4. So with you on needles (I've never gotten a tattoo or piercing, either!). Needles are just not my thing and I'm glad I'm not alone in that! :)

    Thanks for linking up with us!
