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Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Cove Springs Day Hike

I'm not going to try and act like we spent all weekend outside enjoying the beautiful spring weekend we had here in Kentucky. We didn't, we spent most of it stuffing our fat faces with snacks, furiously checking our bracket standings, and watching the NCAA Tournament.


Yay for us! I'm really glad we spent a bit of time outside and away from the tv this weekend, because now is the time of year I wanna run to the mountains and become all nature-girl like.  I am not a nature girl, btw. I just really like hiking and camping on occasion. Not for more than a couple days, And not far from modern day conveniences, like oh, running water. And blow dryers.

But I can get down with the best of them for a quick outdoor excursion, and am so happy that my bearded biologist boyfriend likes to do the same. It's nice to have a partner in crime that's always up for some outdoor splendor!  It doesn't hurt that he is way more knowledgeable about the parts of Kentucky to go do such things.

For example, Sunday he took me to a park in downtown Frankfort that I had no idea even existed. In a town I grew up in. Two miles from my office. Kinda crazy, huh?!? 

Actually, Cove Springs Park is a new installation in the past ten years or so. It was the original  water reservoir for the city when it was first settled.  The boyfriend filled me in on all of this. Pretty cool, huh?

There are a couple waterfalls that feed off the natural springs in the park.

And the original water overflow tower is still there.

Maggie (Drew's pup) was super excited to pee on everything.

This section of the park, The Wetlands, is still undergoing restoration and whatnot.

So not only did I get to spend some time outdoors (this was my idea, btw), but we all learned something too! Cue the "More You Know" rainbow and music.

Next up, some exploring of the huge park installation in Louisville at Floyd's Fork.  I'm not sure when we're actually going to have time to hike some of the new trails there, because things are starting to get super busy. We'll get out there one day!

Happy Tuesday, y'all!

PS. Courts is the greatest!

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