This has been a crazy week through and through, all the way down to the weather. This week's five are of no particular theme, unless random is a theme!!!
1. UK Wildcats beat Witchita State to head to the Sweet Sixteen to play our little brother, UofL. Don't even get me started about all the crazy posts on my FB feed this week. All I know for sure is that it's going to be one hell of a game!!!! I'm having some friends over tonight to watch the game and to stop me from throwing things at the TV when we miss foul shots. Can't wait!
2. Umm, S'mores donut? Can we say sugar overload? It was freaking delicious and worth every calorie. Lexington friends, if you haven't checked out North Lime Coffee & Donuts, you should. Just prepare to wait if you go on a weekend morning.
3. First signs of spring in my yard!!!!!
Followed by a twenty minute snow storm a few days later. Mother Nature, you need to take your lithium.
4. Birthday party for my cousin's three adorable little girls, all born in March.
Here's Meghan, right after she asked why I'm not married for the bazillionth time. That kid absolutely slays me!!! I swear her dad puts her up to it.
5. A little love for the Bluegrass in my kitchen! I found this at Fan Outfitters, the local UK apparel store, and had to have it. If you live in Louisville, you can also find your UofL gear there. I am still not used to going into stores and seeing red Cardinal stuff everywhere. One of the things I will always miss about Lexington; NO RED!!!!
I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend and your team plays well in the tournament. Unless you're a Louisville fan. Then I hope they suck. Anyway... Oooooooh, C-A-T-S, CATS, CATS, CATS!!!!!