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Tuesday, September 30, 2014


So I read stalk a lot of blogs, one of which is this blog here.  She posted this the other day, and said feel free to copy/paste your own version.  So that's what I'm doing.  Mainly so my friend Courts doesn't get on me for not blogging lately.  I'm pretty sure she is the only one that cares, heehee :).  So here we go!

11 things you never wanted to know about me

1.  I have never seen the Karate Kid. I wasn't allowed to watch it when I was younger, and just haven't gotten around to it.

2. I am really weird when it comes to seasoning on my food. I do not, repeat DO NOT, like butter or salt. I'm a freak, I know.

3.  Actually, I do not like a lot of food related things.  It's kinda funny, I was just having a convo with the boyfriend today re: the kinds of nuts I won't eat (Brazil, pecan, walnut).  I also hate nuts in breads and my desserts. I think he was beginning to question why he was dating me, especially after our dinner out last night where we split a pizza.  Ha ha ha! Let's just say that my food tastes are very similar to his  4 year old son's.

4.  I do not like any cats except the ones I know personally. Then they usually melt my heart.  Other than that, I'm  an all dog, all the way kinda gal.

5.  I hate country music, despite living in Kentucky.  Actually, there is a lot of us Kentuckians that feel that way.  Bluegrass is a different story.  Love me some bluegrass.

6.  I have dumped guys for bad taste in music. Yep. I said it. You won't be seeing my ass at a Nickleback concert. Ever.

7.  I am a sucker for donating ALL. THE. CHANGE. in my car to those stoplight intersection fundraisers. I have help up traffic on numerous occasions trying to dig change out of the bottom of my console.

8.  I am insanely OCD.  Just kidding, this is no surprise to anyone. It is well documented. But I'm not the kind of OCD where I have to wash my hands a lot or count things in multiples.  I just really get bent out of shape when things aren't in order or put away.  So really, I guess I'm more of a neat freak with control issues.

9.  Out of my closest friends in the world (probably around 18 people), I have known all but 3 of them since high school. Those three I met in college or right out of college.   Keep in mind that I am 33.  I think that's pretty cool.

10.  I have fantastically wonderful, easy to deal with hair.  However, it is in a pony 90% of the time because I am lazy.

11. I snort when I laugh. Like, a lot.  So does my mom.  I blame genetics. 

11 answers to random questions asked by KRISTEN.

1. What's the best/most interesting that's happened to you since you started blogging?

Someone once told me that I was a great writer.  What???  Are you for reals? 

2. What was the hardest post to write?

I don't really know.  I don't get super personal on here, but the one I wrote saying goodbye to Lexington was one that I cried while writing.

3. Do your friends and family know about your blog? Do they read it?

I guess so?  I used to link to my blog on FB, but have kind of stopped.  I just don't feel like it. I think I have a few friends that read it (ahem, Courts). But really the only reason I write on this blog is for memory's sake and self entertainment (re: this post).

4. Are you where you thought you would be today five years ago?

Ugh. I can't even begin to explain how bad five years ago was.  I was 28 then and in the throws of one of the unhappiest times of my life.  So I guess no?  I didn't think that I could ever be happy, so being as happy as I am right now was completely unfathomable to me back then.  God bless the 30's decade. They are soooo much better.

5. What is one thing you hope happens, either in your life or the world, in the next five years?

Duh, children. Hopefully marriage comes before that, but I'm willing to settle for not having that as long as I have children.  Not to mean that I want to get knocked up and live in sin. What I mean is that should I not get married in the next five years, I will be venturing into mommy land alone via donor. It's scary as shit to think about doing that alone, but not having kids is just not an option for me.  It's been the only thing in my entire life that I've been sure I wanted to do.  And lets face it, mother nature and father time are not on my side.

6. What is currently keeping you up at night?

HAHAHA! This is kind of funny since I'm going through a bout of not so great sleeping these days.  I was laughing at myself this weekend at the lake because I kept waking up terrified that my friend's little girl was going to get SIDS while she was sleeping in between the twin beds her mom and I wear in. I AM INSANE, I realize this. But honestly, nothing is keeping me UP, per say, I just wake up a lot throughout the night.

Oh wait, was that a more metaphorical question?  Ha! I'm waaayyyy to literal to even contemplate that!

7. What's the most daring thing you've done this year?

Well, I wouldn't say that I chose to be this daring, but I am living alone for good.  For the first time ever. I kinda love the heck out of it.  It's pretty fantastic.  

8. Are you an introvert or an extrovert?

EXTROVERT. I don't shut up.  Ever. Anywhere.

9. What is your most prized (material) possession?

Any of the many family heirlooms I've been passed down.  They are all so special to me that I can't choose.  I'm extremely sentimental (so is my entire paternal side of the family).

10. Share a YouTube video that always makes you laugh.

{Thanks for this, Brooklyn.  I'm still laughing, a month and a half later.}

11. Are there any words that you try to live by? Please share!

I always try to live by the Golden Rule. And I remind myself a lot to put myself in other's shoes. Try to see it from another perspective. Some days I am better at these than others...  I am a work in progress, y'all.  I'm okay with it.

So there ya go, folks.  Enjoy!  Or don't.  Whatevs.  Happy Tuesday!!!

Monday, September 29, 2014

Day 4

Day four of five things I'm thankful... I'm not running out of things to be thankful for, but I am running out of ways to write about it.  This post may be a bit all over the place and full of nonsense, but here we go!

1. Family that is willing to help take care of my fur baby. Riley is going to grandpa's this weekend while I go out of town. It's been hard having so many out of town plans lately without Robbie living with me.  I stay in Frankfort at least one night a week, and it seems like I've been out of town more weekends than not these days.  I'm so glad my family loves my dog enough to let their houses get covered in fur.

{Someone is a lazy employee.}

2. Lots of work to do.  I know this seems a bit weird, but I cannot stand to be bored at work.  Luckily, this year has been one of the busiest our company has seen in about 8 years.  I'm so thankful that everyday when I get to work, there is something to do.  It means we're working, our employees are working, and times are getting better in the construction world.  Phew!!!

3. Coffee. I'm not going to lie, I won't make it through today without it. We stayed up past our bedtimes last night to see the Head and the Heart show at Iroquois Amphitheater. Totally worth it.

4. Some quality time this weekend with three of my closest friends.  Courts, Mary, Rachel, and I went in on a house for the weekend at Taylorsville Lake at the Concrete Ball this past spring.  We are finally getting around to using it, and I couldn't be more excited! It's been hard not seeing them as much as I used to since I moved to Louisville, so this weekend will be a great chance to catch up.

5. Upcoming travel plans!!! I think I have three trips planned in the next month or two, and I'm equally excited for all of them! Nashville, Chicago and Naples are on the list this round. Two of those trips are for fun and one is for work (and is always more fun than actual work).

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Writer's Block

Y'all, I have lost my groove.  Not that I ever really had one, but you get my drift. Really, I've just been busy doing stuff instead of writing about doing stuff.  It's fall, and I'm always re-energized this time of year to get out and go do. So that's what I've been doing.

Until I find time to upload pics, write down coherent thoughts, and finish that 5 thankful things for 5 days series, I got nothing.  So here's a video of the band I'm seeing tonight.  Can't wait!!!

Happy Thursday, y'all!

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Day 3!

So, I didn't exactly get all five days in sequence. But it's because I've been sick.  Like super gross, coughing and hacking sick.  Blech.  But I'm on the mend.  And as a result have had a lot of time to thing about the last 15 things that I am thankful for.  Here we go!

1. Moving to a city where I can watch this nugget grow up. It had been almost 15 years since my best friend and I had lived in the same city.  Being back in the same place has been so great, especially since the addition of her sweet girl.  I don't even mind that she's in IU gear. I'm so thankful that I have the flexibility with my job to choose between a few cities that I want to live in.

2.  After being super under the weather, I am very thankful for healthcare.  Our company has offered healthcare to our employees for as long as I can remember.  If more companies would have done the same years ago, maybe we wouldn't have so much junk to sift through with Obamacare.

3.  This weekend I'm lucky enough to be the Maid of Honor at one of my other best friend's weddings. I'm so thankful that all of my friends have found the person that they want to spend their life with.  I'm also honored that they wanted me to be there with them on that day. Cheers, Kate and Adam!  Can't wait for tomorrow!!!

4.  Flowers for no reason, other than I've been sick. Y'all, I explain in detail more one day, but seriously. So sweet!

5. It's currently Friday, it's 78 degrees and I'm about to kick off this wedding weekend like a champ!

Happy Friday!!!

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Day 2 of 5

So, I think I got the rules wrong.  I'm supposed to give five things for five days…  I have plenty to list, so here we go!

1.  My health. The health of my loved ones. Life is short, my friends. Call the people you love and tell them. Take care of your bodies.  I need to take better care of mine.  I swear the next 12 months will be the ones that I finally beat smoking.

2.  Music.  Good lord, I don't know what I would do without music.  I live for a good live show, an album where you don't want to skip a single song, and songs that make you so happy you can't help but smile and hit repeat.   Here's one of those for me…

3.  A good fall day.  It's been a bit chilly and overcast around these parts lately, but it means that we're going to have some of those 60 degree sunny days coming soon.  You know the kind; the ones that are spent making chili, watching football and wearing hoodies.  Best. Season. Ever. 
***And just a disclaimer: I hate Pumpkin Spice Lattes. Give me hazelnut or give me death.***

4.  I'm thankful for the past.  The things I have learned throughout life and experiences I have had to lead me to where I am now.  And here is so good.  So, so good, y'all.

5. Craft beer.  I'm not gonna lie, this is a silly one. But I love me some craft beer.  Just not more than a couple.  Because I am short and a lightweight. Wah wah. 

So there are five totally random things that I am so thankful for, some more than others.  Some more deep than others. But it's all good, y'all. 

Happy Friday!

Thursday, September 11, 2014

5 Days of Thankful

Y'all, I'm not gonna lie.  I am seriously sick of all these tagged Facebook post to dump water on your head or whatever. There's a new one going around that requests naming five things that you are thankful for over five days. I'm doing all mine in one. And I'm not tagging anyone.

Although I do appreciate the post from my aunt, and am happy to oblige, y'all have got to quit with the challenges. Seriously. Have you met me? Just call me and ask me to donate $10 to your cause. I'd be happy to.  Just don't make me dump any more water on my head.

So without further ado, here are five things that I'm thankful for…

1. My family and especially my little brother.  I don't think there's a person that has met me that doesn't know how much I love my family.  Everything path I've taken in life has been for the betterment of my family. Everything.  Even when I was lost.  That's all I'm going to go into about that.

2. My friends. One of them sent me this the other day, and it couldn't be more true.

Almost every single one of my friends I met during my freshman or junior year of high school.  I've made quite a few more after that, but all of those I have definitely known for at least 7 years. So ladies (and a few gents), looks like you guys are stuck with me for life.  I couldn't have gotten through those lost paths mentioned above without you.  

3.  My job, which ties in with #1.  I have been blessed to have the opportunity to continue my grandfather and father's hard work and efforts by working for our family's business. There are lots of days when I want to pull my hair out.  There were times when I thought I had chosen the wrong career. Now in my adulthood (wait, adult, when did that happen???), I know that I'm exactly where I am supposed to be. And I couldn't be happier. I'm so grateful for the ability to get up every day, put on clean clothes, and go to a job with coworkers and employees that I care very deeply for. Not everyone on this planet can say that. It's something that I try to remind myself of on my more trying days.

4.  My rotten, smelly, furry blonde dog.  I love that crazy fox puppy with all of my heart. There really is something about having a dog that makes life so much better. Even when he's acting like a complete nut job, I still love him.

5. Lastly, I am thankful for all the things I've been given in my life sheerly by being born in the right place at the right time. I live in a free country where I can practice what ever ideology I care to ascribe to. Where education, food, shelter and basic human needs are readily available, but often taken for granted.  There are so many people in this world that these needs aren't even accessible. I think that's the whole point for the Facebook tagging posts asking for what you're grateful for. To make us think about all the things we take for granted and appreciate how truly luck we are.

On this day, a day where our country was attacked and too many people lost their lives, I think this is what we need to remember the most. Most of us live a much better life than others.  If you are reading this post, you already have more than the majority of the world. 

That despite what we beliefs we have about the ever growing list of topics for debate, we are inherently blessed simply by where we were born. Nothing is perfect, and it probably never will be. But we have the tools at our disposal to make our lives and the lives of others that aren't as fortunate much better. And that I think is what I'm most thankful for.  For the ability to make changes for the better. To make an impact where I can. Even if it's in small cases.

I'm stepping off my soap box now.  Sometimes I need to write these posts to keep my self in check on what is really important. Eye on the prize, m'dear, eye on the prize.

Happy Thursday, y'all.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Living Vicariously Through Others

It's no secret that I want children someday. The only secret, still unknown to myself as well, is who will be embarking on this adventure with me. According to my tarot reading, it'll be by myself.  At the age of 35. With three kids. Ha.  Very funny, universe, very funny.

Until then, I live vicariously through my friends and their adorable children.  Here are some snapshots of children I would kidnap in heartbeat.  Enjoy!

Miss Cate at the Chevy Chase Block Party a few weekends ago.

First taste of beer.  Just kidding!

Pictured in the background, my favorite little guy.  He stole my heart the day he was born!  So sweet!!!

And of course, I can't possibly have a post about babies without a montage of my nugget.  Good God, I love this child.  The cheeks on this kid are worth a post alone!

Someone was very sleepy.

Or milk drunk.

Nope, just sleepy.

And a bit underwhelmed.

Oh, that nugget.  Her faces are priceless. Thanks for letting me brag on my favorite kiddos for no reason other than they're the best!!!

Friday, September 5, 2014

Hey Friday!

IT's been awhile since I've done the Hey Friday! link up with September Farm and The Farmer's Wife, but that's because we haven't had Internet for the past two weeks.  Long story.  Anyway...  Here we go!!!

1. I'm kind of back tracking a bit, but last Friday night was the annual Zombie Walk on Bardstown Road in Louisville.  Pretty hilarious, right?  We had an absolute blast, despite the look on Alison's face above. Our photographer said zombies aren't supposed to smile.  Hee hee.

Some delicious street tacos consumed by my undead self.

2.  Saturday I finally got around to trimming my basil and making homemade pesto!  It was the besto! I used Pioneer Woman's recipe from HGTV's site.  It was soooo yummy!!!!

Paired with homegrown tomatoes from my coworker's garden and some fresh mozzarella, it made quite the tasty Caprese Salad.  Mmmm, cheese!!!

3. I finally found some fabric for window treatments and pillows in my dressing room/closet.  Bonus points to me because it was on clearance for $4.95 a yard!  Can't beat that!!!! 

4. Sunday the Louisville Water Company hosted Bluegrass and Bourbon down on the river.  Above is the historic and beautiful water tower.  The weather ended up being absolutely perfect and the music was pretty awesome.  I did not partake in the bourbon, however.  I'm a lightweight and can't handle  hard liquor like that.

5.  I can tolerate beer quite well, and Monday (Labor Day) we went to West 6th in Lexington to grab some dinner and a beer.  The two above were the Creamsicle Stout (maybe?) and Pink and Witty (a hibiscus wit beer).  I may not be 100% correct on the names of those.  Either way, they were yummy.  So was the fish we had from Smithtown Seafood.

BONUS HAPPY!!!!!!!!  My favorite nugget wearing the outfit I got her down in Gulf Shores.  I require frequent photos of my favorite baby when she's out of town.  I mean, wouldn't you miss those cheeks???  So stinking cute!!!

And just for giggles, here's how I spent my Wednesday night.  I was rear ended on the way home and spent the rest of the night in the ER.  I'm completely fine (and I knew I was), but my mom insisted I go.  Just a bad case of whiplash.  And I'm healing quite nicely.  My car, however, is going to require a little more TLC.  The funny part is that I was involved in a wreck that WASN'T my fault!!!!!  Don't get me wrong, I'm not happy about being in a wreck, but it makes it a lot better when it's not your fault.  I may or may not have a history of dings, dents, and replaced panels on all of my former vehicles.  Let's just say that my body shop owner's kids college was paid in part by me...

Anyway, hope everyone has a great weekend.  I'm looking forward to a lot less on my plate this weekend and I couldn't be more excited!!!!  See y'all next week!